Attorneys in West Virginia

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Angela Shaffer, M.S., CCC/SLP Ridgeley
Rt. 1 Box 91A
Ridgeley, WV 26753
Phone: 30473826753

Services: Speech Therapy

Applied Behavior Learning Center South Charleston
325 6th Ave
South Charleston, WV 25303
Phone: 3047203383

Services: Private Schools

Augusta Levy Learning Center Wheeling
99 N Main Street PO Box 6711
Wheeling, WV 26003
Phone: 3042426722

Services: ABA Therapy

Barnes Learning Center Fairmont
100 Naomi Street
Fairmont, WV 26554
Phone: 3043672127

Services: Private Schools

Beckley Speech Therapy, Inc. Beckley
116 North Vance Drive
Beckley, WV 25801
Phone: 3042521925

Services: Speech Therapy

Best Life Therapy Bridgeport
141 State Street
Bridgeport, WV 26330
Phone: 3049333073

Services: Speech Therapy

Bowles, Rice, McDavid, Graff & Love, LLP Parkersburg
United Square 5th Floor
Parkersburg, WV 26101
Phone: 3044858500

Services: Attorneys

Cornerstone Pediatric Center Bridgeport
PO Box 1276
Bridgeport, WV 26330
Phone: 3048420044

Services: Speech Therapy

Diversified Assessment and Therapy Services Kenova
1401 Chestnut Street
Kenova, WV 25530
Phone: 3044532800

Services: Speech Therapy

Franklin Elementary School Franklin
PO Box 848 409 Evick Drive
Franklin, WV 26807
Phone: 3043582206

Services: Private Schools

James Marvin Lewis, MD FAAP Barboursville
6007 US Route 60 E Suite 203
Barboursville, WV 25504
Phone: 3046911300

Services: Developmental Pediatricians

Klingberg Center Morgantown
Section of Pediatric Neurology, Department of Pediatrics ,WVU School of Medicine, 1 Medical Center Dr.
Morgantown, WV 26506
Phone: 3042937331

Services: Psychologists